PDF Yo! PDF Generator API Docs

How to Connect

Endpoint https://www.pdfyo.com/api

If you send a Gen where testing is not "T" (see below), any mail will go to Docsmit's test site (tracksmit.com), which responds like Docsmit but does not send any mail. It will, however, emulate mailing and delivery over a short period of time with all emails and notifications. Please contact support@docsmit.com for use of tracksmit.com


HTTP Basic Authentication. Username is your email address and password is your password. To obtain an account email pdfyo@docsmit.com.

API Calls

All Requests and Responses are in JSON.

POST /pdfgen

This will generate a PDF based on (1) HTML and CSS provided and (2) variables that are substituted into {{fields}} or ((fields)) in the HTML. The resulting file is delivered by one or more of the following methods:


Response in JSON

HTTP response codes:
[Info about the response codes here.] If the request parameter [hidden] is set then the response is the PDF and there is no JSON. This is useful for testing with postman and the like.

GET /info

Returns account information.


No parameters.


GET /health - (auth not required)

Allows quick confirmation of service health.


No parameters.


GET /authping - (auth required)

Allows quick confirmation of successful auth


No parameters.
